Karen Gail Lewis

Dr. Karen Gail Lewis has been a marriage and family therapist for more than 50 years. A sought-after speaker, workshop presenter, and author of numerous books and journal articles, she is the founder of Unique Retreats for Siblings (https://drkarengaillewis.com/sibling-retreats) and is a past recipient of the Washington, DC Rape Crisis Center’s Visionary Award. She focuses

Nitsan Joy Gordon

Nitsan Joy Gordon is a therapist & author of Together Beyond Words: Women on a Quest for Peace in the Middle East. Her life experiences — growing up in an Israeli border kibbutz fraught with danger and violent skirmishes, facing hatred in the American South as the only Jew in her junior high school, and

Stuart Lichtman

Stuart Lichtman is an executive, an entrepreneur, a researcher, consultant, trainer and coach.  He has  trained over 50,000 people around the world—including CEOs and heads of state—to achieve goals that seem, at first, to be impossible by consciously managing their unconscious minds using the Cybernetic Transposition Process he developed.  Creator of the Arintel artificial intelligence

Melanie Hicks

Melanie Sue Hicks, author of Incongruent: Travel, Trauma, Transformation, is an adventure seeking, social impact advocate dedicated to helping others overcome fear and live their dharma. She has led or participated in more than fifty service projects in twenty cities and three international locations and dedicates her life to creating impact on her own or amplifying the

Steven Myers

Steven Myers is a four-time CEO, public speaker, two-time US Air Force veteran, accomplished aviator, and best-selling author of Cross Winds: Adventure Entrepreneurship in the Russian Far East.  In 1992, at the end of the Cold War, Steven Myers became the first American since Charles Lindbergh in 1931, to pilot an aircraft into the Russian

Libby Hoffman

Libby Hoffman, author of The Answers Are There: Building Peace From the Inside Out, is the founder and president of Catalyst for Peace (CFP), a private foundation helping empower local communities impacted by violence to lead their own path to peace and development. For 15 years her initiatives have focused on Sierra Leone, where, alongside