Author Category: Nonfiction/Business

Michael Delman

Massachusetts Distinguished Educator Michael Delman is founder and CEO of Beyond BookSmart, the first organization to apply Dr. James Prochaska’s Transtheoretical Model of Change to help students improve academic performance. He is the author of Your Kid’s Gonna Be Okay (2018), distilling years of wisdom on the executive function skills children need in the age of attention. As an educator since 1991, Michael’s primary mission is to make learning relevant and to help young people find capacities in themselves that they don’t know they have. Co-founder of the McAuliffe Regional Charter Public School in Framingham, Massachusetts, a middle school in its 15th year of operation teaching over 350 students through the Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound school model, Michael is an avid researcher and developer of tools and strategies to help students become more effective. He holds a B.A. in Public Policy from Brown University, and an M. Ed. in Middle School Education from Lesley University.



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