About the Author
Paige Marrs
Paige Marrs, PhD, president of Marrs-Group Consulting & Coaching, is a specialist in all areas in which smart communication and good relationships matter. She combines her unique blend of two evidence-based disciplines — Dr. Dan Siegel’s dynamic new field of interpersonal neurobiology and Dr. Barnett Pearce’s cutting-edge communication theory (CMM) — with decades of consulting and coaching experience and personal spiritual practice. She is the author of the chapter “Taming the Lizard: Transforming Conversations-Gone-Bad at Work,” in a textbook on the theory and practice of CMM (Coordinated Management of Meaning).
Happily married for over 30 years, Paige and Don Marrs have also worked together since the day they joined their lives. They have co-authored two how-to memoirs, both of which teach through story: Grabbing Lightning, and Executive in Passage: When Life Lets You Know It’s Time to Change, Let that Knowing Lead You. For the past decade they have offered their relationship program, The Love Conversation®, which teaches core principles and methods for making the quest for love less messy and has helped countless individuals create extraordinary love in their most cherished relationships.